Thursday, June 11, 2009

Diets To Get Rid Of Cellulite

A warm welcome to the Diets To Get Rid Of Cellulite Blog...

Cellulite diets are typically low in fat, low in calories and high in protein with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables to boot, not to mention - a lot of water.

Cellulite is caused by excess fat in the body that accumulates in pockets that wind up looking like cottage cheese on your hips, butt, thighs, arms and even tummy area.

So, let's cut down on the fat, first of all.

Next, we need to lower your caloric intake - 1200 calories for women and 1800 calories for men is the absolutely lowest you should take in per day, as it becomes unhealthy any lower than that.

Also, your metabolism will surely slow down without enough to eat - This isn't good for cellulite sufferers.


Because when your body thinks it isn't getting enough to eat it thinks it's starving - so, it then proceeds to eat away at your muscles (that you worked so hard to get and that work so hard for you in burning calories), and keeps all of that fat just in case you are starving...

Seriously, this is NOT what you want to happen - it will burn your lean muscle and reduce your metabolism making your cellulite even worse.

So, let's make sure you have a sound plan for getting rid of cellulite by eating healthy, getting fit and making great choices.

I would love for you to share this information with friends or family that may be interested...It's always easier to accomplish a goal together than by yourself!

You can get rid of cellulite. It takes some work, consistent focused effort, and the right info.

Stay tuned with me here at this blog to get more info.

Koffee Kritter

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